
erkenne mich ich bin bereit
Some like Werner Rhode who hated his work, and Hans Konig who was deeply disgusted by the job, had to get drunk before they appeared on the ramp. Only two doctors performed the selections without any stimulants of any kind: Dr. Josef Mengele and Dr. Fritz Klein. Dr. Mengele was particularly cold and cynical. He (Mengele) once told me that there are only two gifted people in the world, Germans and Jews, and it's a question of who will be superior. So he decided that they had to be destroyed.

Mengele performed this task with relish, appearing at selections to which he had not been officially assigned, always dressed in his best dress uniform. He carried himself with grace and ease in his shiny black boots, his neatly pressed trousers and jacket, and his white cotton gloves, while a sea of misery washed up at his feet in the form of exhausted and starving prisoners. Dr. Olga Lengyel, another inmate-doctor, bitterly recalls Mengele's demeanor on the ramp:

How we despised his detached, haughty air, his continual whistling, his frigid cruelty. Day after day he was at his post, watching the pitiful crowd of men and women and children go struggling past, all in the last stages of exhaustion from the inhuman journey in the cattle trucks. He would point with his cane at each person and direct them with one word: "right" or "left." He seemed to enjoy his grisly task.

This "frigid cruelty" Dr. Lengyels spoke of would oftentimes give way to a searing hot rage which Mengele would unleash without warning upon those who sought to challenge the order he sought to establish in the camp. Inmate-doctor Gisella Perl recalls an incident when Mengele caught a woman in her sixth attempt to escape from a truck transporting victims to the gas chamber:

He grabbed her by the neck and proceeded to beat her head to a bloody pulp. He hit her, slapped her, boxed her, always her head — screaming at the top of his voice, "You want to escape, don't you. You can't escape now. You are going to burn like the others, you are going to croak, you dirty Jew." As I watched, I saw her two beautiful, intelligent eyes disappear under a layer of blood. And in a few seconds, her straight, pointed nose was a flat, broken, bleeding mass. Half an hour later, Dr. Mengele returned to the hospital. He took a piece of perfumed soap out of his bag and, whistling gaily with a smile of deep satisfaction on his face, he began to wash his hands.


@темы: Dr.M&Co, айзелизм головного мозга, Своего собственного мнения Дамблдор не разделял, о всех эсэсовцах: больших и малых, Ссылки, тройка, семерка, туз!

12.12.2009 в 22:32

зоркоглазая умница
Разболтанный сраныш нравился бы им больше? :3
12.12.2009 в 22:36

erkenne mich ich bin bereit
Они просто никогда не работали с лабораторными животными и не знают, какую ярость вызывает их "плохое поведение" :3
А так да, будь Менгеле бухим, вонючим и тупорылым, шума вокруг него было бы меньше 8)
12.12.2009 в 22:44

зоркоглазая умница
Как это трогательно, чёрт побери. Эстетичность как отягчающее обстоятельство.))
14.12.2009 в 05:03

Доктор Менгеле добрый и с бензопилой.
I used to be so wicked and cruel in my youh, yeeeah!
14.12.2009 в 08:52

зоркоглазая умница
Доктор Менгеле
Да вы и сейчас, наверное, не растеряли форму.)
14.12.2009 в 11:36

erkenne mich ich bin bereit
Доктор Менгеле, надеюсь, на смену бессистемной развеселой молодости пришла продуктивная методичная зрелость? :3
15.12.2009 в 01:06

Доктор Менгеле добрый и с бензопилой.
von Schi- Эх, Ваши бы слова да Богу в уши.)))) Здравствуйте.)))
pilot_01 Обижаете, милый Вы мой!))) Молодость-то у меня и была... продуктивнее всего.
15.12.2009 в 01:13

erkenne mich ich bin bereit
Доктор Менгеле, ну вот, а я надеялся, что в Аргентине Вам удалось втихую развернуться на полных парах 8)))) Ну, нелегальные аборты, прочая скромная работа по германизации генофонда популяции))))
15.12.2009 в 01:27

Доктор Менгеле добрый и с бензопилой.
pilot_01 Эх, если бы!)))) А то ведь сейчас нас внимательней мониторят.
Нелегальными абортами у нас Клауберг занимается.))))